Hands-free Radiography Training Workshops
The Safe Veterinary Radiography Initiative has been developed to assist in the education and training on practicing safer radiology techniques in small animal veterinary medicine.
What to expect in a training workshop:
- Review of current practice of acquiring small animal radiographs.
- Review what a diagnostic x-ray is and how to ensure best quality radiographs are performed for interpretation.
- Demonstrate and train staff on new positioning techniques using non-manual restraint.
- Restraint and positioning devices: which are required for each study.
- Review awake vs. sedation: when it is needed and why it can be beneficial.
- A short and easy to follow reference and positioning guide on non-manual techniques.
- CE credits for RVTs.
On-Site Training (Georgian College - Orillia)
Workshop Fee - $340
Transportation Fee - 103km (each way) - $92.70
2% - Credit Card Processing Fee - $8.65